miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


Hola queridos lectores hoi voy a hablaros del libro titulado Los juegos del ambre. Este libro nos cuenta la historia de un pais dibidido en 12 distritos.En el cual cada cierto tiempo, se celebran unos juegos en los que los participantes luchan a muerte.En el distrito doce sale elegida la hermana de la protagonista, así que esta llamada Cattnis decide presentarse boluntaria para salbar a su querida hermana.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Hola lectores voi a hablaros del libro que me estoi lellendo se titula La voz de madrugada este. Este libro trata de un programa en el que habla una mujer a la cual muchos de sus ollentes quieren conocerla, pero no consiguen saber quien es .Así que empiezan a inbestigar para conocerla.

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

King Arthur

TitleKing Arthur

Name of the author: Retold by Kate O' Brien

Nationality: English

Final summary of the plot:
This book tells the story of King Arthur and his knights. Arthur decides to make a round table for his knights and to kill dragons and robbers. The King falls in love with Guinevere and they marry. Later, his wizard Merlin falls in love with a bad lady. The step-sister of King Arthur, Morgana, sends a man to kill the King.

Sir Lancelot has many adventures and finds his son Sir Galahad. His son is the best knight in the world. They find the Holy Grail but Sir Galahad dies and Sir Lancelot is very weak and ill.

At the end, Sir Mordred and other bad knights make a trap for the King and Sir Lancelot. King Arthur is hurt in the battle and Morgana and other ladies take the King to the land of Avalon.

Personal opinion:
I liked it very much because it is about wizards and adventures.

Luis Manuel Vilariño Vieytes

King Arthur

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Title: The three Musketeers

Name of the author: Alexandre Dumas

Nationality: French

Final summary of the plot:
         This story begins with the arrival in Paris of D’ Artagnan, a man that gets the respect of the three Musketeers. He falls in love with Constance, the servant of the Queen.
         D’ Artagnan receives a mission from the Queen: he has to give a letter to the Duke of Buckingham in London. The Duke gives D’ Artagnan a ribbon. This ribbon was a present from the King to the Queen, and she gave it to the Duke. The Cardinal discovered this and sent a woman, Lady de Winter, to steal it because he hates the Queen.
         At the end, Lady the Winter tries to kill D’Artagnan and kills Constance. The three Musketeers and D’ Artagnan catch Lady de Winter and the King puts her in prison and makes D’ Artagnan Captain of the Musketeers.

Personal opinion:
I liked it very much because it has got many adventures and at the end the Musketeers won.

(I needed much time to read it and my sister helped me).

Luis Manuel Vilariño Vieytes
